Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Pray with Africa"

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).  Matthew 1:23
“For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations”..Luke 2:30-31
That simple word “with” is what I have come to appreciate this Christmas season and particularly as we plan for Kenya.
It started this last week while learning about an organization, “Pray with Africa”, that believes that there is a great deal of difference in “praying for” and “praying with”.   Their idea is crystallized in the word Immanuel and in the witness of Simeon and Anna.  Their joy was seeing the Messiah and being with Him.
So in this season, may God be with us all in the Joy of this season.
Check out the video if you have a facebook account.  Just put in your search box: "Pray with Africa"
If you are not on facebook, here is another way to see it:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Healthcare Leadership

The most important educational task maybe the development of teachers and educational leadership. This is a universal challenge within and across cultures and resources. Kenya has two relatively new medical schools and here is the good news; there is a desire by Kenyan medical students to care for their own and be educated in their country:

From the U.S. perspective, educational leadership development is a critical ingredient as well. There is no lack of books and articles on leadership (a testimony of the need). A unique and new one is the book by Tony Dungy, The Mentor Leader. His coaching and Christian perspectives are the guidance we all need! Kijabe Hospital and PAACS have a good start on creating the environment for mentoring educational partnerships and a response to international medical education that addresses knowledge, skills and the development of Kenyan teachers and leaders.
