Friday, January 28, 2011

Last Day

What a full and fun last day at Kijabe!   I began at 8AM going to devotions with Mercy, the chaplain, at the Bethany Children’s Hospital.   Several nurses, the OT named Elizabeth (!), and some students were there and it was a great way to begin the morning.  She presented me with a computer briefcase with Bethany written on the side as a going away gift...very unexpected, but very thoughtful.   Then we went on rounds to the spina bifida wards; always an overwhelming experience.  It is my prayer that through Mercy each mother and her child know that God loves and cares for everyone of them and that they can cast their cares on Him.
After hospital rounds I walked up the Hill for my last visit with the fifth graders.  They have become very dear to me!  Seventeen little individuals to be sure!  At the end of the period I went to say goodbye and they each presented me with a handmade original thank you note.  To say that I was overwhelmed was to put it mildly!  I will treasure these notes and hope to show them to you soon.
After lunch I traveled for a last visit to Thread of Hope to check on the progress our ladies from the IDP camps are making with their sewing.  We were thrilled to see that they had finished 6 skirts and many surgical caps!  They are keeping track of who makes what so that they can be paid accordingly.   Ironically, Miriam made the most money this week!   It was also interesting to see that they are taking an interest in stitching straight, using appropriate color schemes, and finishing the hems by hand.  Their enthusiasm is contagious and we left feeling very happy!   By the way all 6 skirts sold, and we placed orders for several more.  Now the challenge is to come up with a business plan that includes new items.
When I returned home I was so happy to introduce my Kenyan friend Monica whose husband works with Marv to an American friend from Seattle.   Alfred has an opportunity to do an MPH at the U. of Washington and Monica has been a bit hesitant about coming to the US.   The really wonderful part is that the American friend goes to University Presbyterian Church in Seattle and will be able to connect them there as well.   Monica was beaming after a short time and I think that they have bonded!   God works in mysterious ways!
Now I am waiting for Dad to get home. They are working him to the last moment!  Our neighbors invited us for dinner which is great as I have given all of my food away!  We will go into Nairobi in the afternoon and then have a long wait at the airport for an 11:30 PM flight. Ugh.  It will be fun to see London if only briefly.  We are hoping that the airports in the US will be free of snow this week.  It will be hard to leave this temperate, beautiful climate as well as the flowers and of course the wonderful Kijabe wind at night.  But it is always wonderful to go home!
See you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see y'all.. Love John, Anna Eliza, jack and selah
