Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Healing of the Nations

And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
                                                                        Revelation 22: 2

Mission trips always come with surprises and new observations and his trip was no exception.   For me the reality of Islam and the challenges to the provision of healthcare was experienced in Kijabe.  Maybe the first clue were the prayers for the Sudan referendum, the next was the presence of the large number of Somalis and the last returning during the turmoil in the Middle East.
There are multiple interpretations and understandings of all these events.   For me, the most important was how the Somalis described Kijabe Hospital as a place where “God Lives”.   I believe that is an accurate description! 
Now back in the US, the issues for the future for missions and particularly healthcare now seem different.   For me, the geopolitical challenges hinge on places like Kijabe where the interaction between Islam and Christianity are taking place every day in the care provided by some wonderful and courageous healing agents...the “leaves on the trees”.
Here are some resources that you might want to read, join or follow:
Thanks for being a part of this wonderful experience,

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